Le Comparateur d'Assurance #1 AU QUÉBEC

Making an inventory of what you own is critical

Publié le par Jessica Goulet

Do you have enough insurance?

Estimating the value of your home is pretty straightforward. Estimating the value of what you own, that’s another thing, so how can you be sure you have enough insurance? If you’re like me, you probably own a lot of things, big and small.

To ballpark how much coverage you need, you just need to list all major items, like your furniture and your appliances. That will give you an approximation, but you’ll want to be more precise than that. Imagine your house burns down… Would you be able to list all of your valuables? Most of us wouldn’t be able to.

Make a property inventory

Every insurance company will urge you to make a inventory of all your personal belongings. This will provide you with an accurate estimate of what you own and how much it would cost to replace all of that. It will also go a long way to expediting your claim.

The simplest way to go about this is to do this on your computer, then to print a copy and store it in a secure place, ideally with a trusted friend or member of your family or locked away at work.

What information you need

You’ll want to write down any information that may be of use should you need to purchase the item again. This includes the exact product name, serial number or description, color and size, date of purchase and price paid. If the price paid differs from the current cost of replacing the item, include the latter as well. Once you’ve completed this inventory, you’ll be able to adjust the amount of coverage you have.

You’ll also want to take pictures of each room, and ideally of each item of importance, and include all proofs of purchases: store receipt, warranty and instruction manual… These are important in expediting your claim.

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